India, UK To Shape Green Hydrogen Standards
India, UK To Shape Green Hydrogen Standards

New Delhi: The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) hosted a two-day workshop with British counterparts in New Delhi, focusing on standardisation of green hydrogen production and regulations.
The initiative, organised in partnership with the British Standards Institution (BSI) and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), marks a crucial step in aligning international standards for the emerging hydrogen economy, an official statement said. “India and the UK have a shared ambition to become leaders in green hydrogen, supporting the goal of a net zero future,” said Abbey Dorian, Energy Sector Lead at BSI, highlighting the workshop’s significance in fostering international cooperation for clean energy transitions.
The workshop, part of the UK government’s broader Standards Partnership programme, aimed at accelerating growth and enhancing trade through international standards adoption in India. Key discussions centred around safe, scalable, and globally harmonized Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS), with particular emphasis on fast-track PAS (Publicly Available Specification) standards and global hydrogen certification.